This is also based on one of my posting in OTN. We can use COM to read/write excel from PL/SQL.
My orawpcom.dll file exists in the directory C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_2\bin
Information about my database version.
Now, I will run comwrap.sql from scott user. I have edited the comwrap.sql to adjust my library path here:
My orawpcom.dll file exists in the directory C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_2\bin
C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_2\bin>dir orawpco*.dll
Volume in drive C is C_Drive
Volume Serial Number is 8A93-1441
Directory of C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_2\bin
03/20/2006 05:06 PM 61,440 orawpcom.dll
10/11/2006 03:20 PM 81,920 orawpcom10.dll
2 File(s) 143,360 bytes
0 Dir(s) 65,407,717,376 bytes free
Information about my database version.
SQL> /* My databaser version */
SQL> SELECT * FROM v$version;
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production
Prepare the user SCOTT for COM automation.Now, I will run comwrap.sql from scott user. I have edited the comwrap.sql to adjust my library path here:
create library utils_lib as 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_3\bin\orawpcom.dll';
Running comwrap.sql and ExcelSolution.sql .....
SQL> conn scott@orclsb
Enter password: *****
SQL> @c:\comwrap.sql
drop library utils_lib
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object UTILS_LIB does not exist
Library created.
drop package ORDCOM
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object ORDCOM does not exist
drop TYPE OAArgTable
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAARGTABLE does not exist
Type created.
drop TYPE OAArgTypeTable
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAARGTYPETABLE does not exist
Type created.
drop function OAgetNumber
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAGETNUMBER does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAgetStr
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAGETSTR does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAgetBool
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAGETBOOL does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAsetNumber
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OASETNUMBER does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAsetString
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OASETSTRING does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAsetBoolean
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OASETBOOLEAN does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAInvokeDouble
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAINVOKEDOUBLE does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAInvokeBoolean
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAINVOKEBOOLEAN does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAInvokeString
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAINVOKESTRING does not exist
Function created.
drop function OACreate
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OACREATE does not exist
Function created.
drop function OADestroy
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OADESTROY does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAGetLastError
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAGETLASTERROR does not exist
Function created.
drop function OAQueryMethods
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object OAQUERYMETHODS does not exist
Function created.
Package created.
Package body created.
SQL> @c:\ExcelSolution.sql
drop package ORDExcel
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-04043: object ORDEXCEL does not exist
Package created.
Package body created.
I have modified ORDExcel a little bit and renamed it as
ORDExcelSB. You need this version for reading the excel.
SQL> @C:\ExcelSolutionSB.sql
Package dropped.
Package created.
Package body created.
The actual code of ORDExcelSB (ExcelSolutionSB.sql) Is:set serveroutput on; drop package ORDExcelSB; CREATE PACKAGE ORDExcelSB AS /* Declare externally callable subprograms. */ FUNCTION CreateExcelApplication(servername VARCHAR2) RETURN binary_integer; FUNCTION OpenExcelFile(filename VARCHAR2, sheetname VARCHAR2) RETURN binary_integer; FUNCTION CreateExcelWorkSheet(servername varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION InsertData(range varchar2, data binary_integer, type varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION InsertDataReal(range varchar2, data double precision, type varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION GetDataNum(range varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION GetDataStr(range varchar2) return varchar2; FUNCTION GetDataReal(range varchar2) return double precision; FUNCTION GetDataDate(range varchar2) return date; FUNCTION InsertData(range varchar2, data varchar2, type varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION InsertData(range varchar2, data Date, type varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION InsertChart(xpos binary_integer, ypos binary_integer, width binary_integer, height binary_integer, range varchar2, type varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION SaveExcelFile(filename varchar2) return binary_integer; FUNCTION ExitExcel return binary_integer; END ORDExcelSB; / CREATE PACKAGE BODY ORDExcelSB AS DummyToken binary_integer; applicationToken binary_integer:=-1; WorkBooksToken binary_integer:=-1; WorkBookToken binary_integer:=-1; WorkSheetToken binary_integer:=-1; WorkSheetToken1 binary_integer:=-1; RangeToken binary_integer:=-1; ChartObjectToken binary_integer:=-1; ChartObject1 binary_integer:=-1; Chart1Token binary_integer:=-1; i binary_integer; retNum binary_integer; retReal double precision; retStr varchar2(255); retDate DATE; error_src varchar2(255); error_description varchar2(255); error_helpfile varchar2(255); error_helpID binary_integer; FUNCTION CreateExcelApplication(servername VARCHAR2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Creating Excel application...'); i := OrdCOM.CreateObject('Excel.Application', 0, servername, applicationToken); IF (i != 0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Invoking Workbooks...'); i := ORDCOM.GetProperty(applicationToken, 'WorkBooks', 0, WorkBooksToken); IF (i != 0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; RETURN i; END CreateExcelApplication; FUNCTION OpenExcelFile(filename VARCHAR2, sheetname VARCHAR2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Opening Excel file ' || filename || ' ...'); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(filename, 'BSTR'); i := ORDCOM.Invoke(WorkBooksToken, 'Open', 1, DummyToken); IF (i != 0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Opening WorkBook'); i := ORDCOM.GetProperty(applicationToken, 'ActiveWorkbook', 0, WorkBookToken); IF (i != 0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Invoking WorkSheets..'); i := ORDCOM.GetProperty(applicationToken, 'WorkSheets', 0, WorkSheetToken1); IF (i != 0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Invoking WorkSheet'); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(sheetname, 'BSTR'); i := ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkBookToken, 'Sheets', 1, WorkSheetToken); IF (i != 0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Opened '); RETURN i; END OpenExcelFile; /*************************************************************************** * Invoke the Excel Automation Server and create a Workbook object as * well as a worksheet object ***************************************************************************/ FUNCTION CreateExcelWorkSheet(servername varchar2) return binary_integer IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Creating Excel application...'); i:=ORDCOM.CreateObject('Excel.Application', 0, servername,applicationToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Invoking Workbooks...'); /*i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(applicationToken, 'WorkBooks',0, WorkBooksToken);*/ i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(applicationToken, 'WorkBooks', 0, WorkBooksToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Invoking Add to WorkBooks...'); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(-4167,'I4'); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(WorkBooksToken, 'Add', 1, WorkBookToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; dbms_output.put_line('Invoking WorkSheets..'); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg('Sheet 1','BSTR'); /* i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(applicationToken, 'WorkSheets', 1, WorkSheetToken);*/ i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(applicationToken, 'WorkSheets', 0, WorkSheetToken1); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(WorkSheetToken1, 'Add', 0, WorkSheetToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; return i; END CreateExcelWorkSheet; /*************************************************************************** * Invoke the Range method to obtain a range token. Then set the property value * at the specified range to the data required ***************************************************************************/ FUNCTION InsertData( range varchar2, data binary_integer, type varchar2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.SetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', data, type); IF (i=0) THEN i:=ORDCOM.SetProperty(RangeToken, 'ColumnWidth', 15, 'I2'); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN i; END InsertData; /*************************************************************************** * Invoke the Range method to obtain a range token. Then set the property value * at the specified range to the data required ***************************************************************************/ FUNCTION GetDataNum( range varchar2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', 0, retNum); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN retNum; END GetDataNum; FUNCTION GetDataReal( range varchar2) RETURN double precision IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', 0, retReal); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN retReal; END GetDataReal; FUNCTION GetDataStr( range varchar2) RETURN varchar2 IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', 0, retStr); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN retStr; END GetDataStr; FUNCTION GetDataDate( range varchar2) RETURN Date IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', 0, retDate); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN retDate; END GetDataDate; FUNCTION InsertData( range varchar2, data DATE, type varchar2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); i:=ORDCOM.SetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', data, type); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN i; END InsertData; FUNCTION InsertDataReal( range varchar2, data double precision, type varchar2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); i:=ORDCOM.SetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', data, type); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN i; END InsertDataReal; FUNCTION InsertData( range varchar2, data varchar2, type varchar2) RETURN binary_integer IS BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'Range', 1, RangeToken); i:=ORDCOM.SetProperty(RangeToken, 'Value', data, type); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); RETURN i; END InsertData; /****************************************************************************** * Insert a chart at the x and y position of the spreadsheet with the desired * height and width. Then also uses the ChartWizard to draw the graph with data * in a specified range area with a specified charting type. *******************************************************************************/ FUNCTION InsertChart(xpos binary_integer, ypos binary_integer, width binary_integer, height binary_integer, range varchar2, type varchar2) RETURN binary_integer IS charttype binary_integer:= -4099; BEGIN ORDCOM.InitArg(); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken, 'ChartObjects', 0, ChartObjectToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(xpos,'I2'); ORDCOM.SetArg(ypos,'I2'); ORDCOM.SetArg(width,'I2'); ORDCOM.SetArg(height,'I2'); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(ChartObjectToken, 'Add', 4, ChartObject1); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(ChartObject1, 'Chart', 0,Chart1Token); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(range, 'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.GetProperty(WorkSheetToken,'Range', 1, RangeToken); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(RangeToken, 'DISPATCH'); IF type='xlPie' THEN charttype := -4102; ELSIF type='xl3DBar' THEN charttype := -4099; ELSIF type='xlBar' THEN charttype := 2; ELSIF type='xl3dLine' THEN charttype:= -4101; END IF; ORDCOM.SetArg(charttype,'I4'); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(Chart1Token,'ChartWizard', 2, DummyToken); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(RangeToken); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(ChartObjectToken); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(ChartObject1); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(Chart1Token); RETURN i; END InsertChart; /****************************************************************************** * Save the Excel File. WARNING: Do not specify a filename that already exist * since there is no graphical context, Oracle would not be able to pop * out a warning message for existing file. This causes Excel to hang *******************************************************************************/ FUNCTION SaveExcelFile(filename varchar2) return binary_integer IS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Saving Excel file...'); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(filename,'BSTR'); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(WorkBookToken, 'SaveAs', 1, DummyToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; RETURN i; END SaveExcelFile; /****************************************************************************** * Close the Excel spreadsheet and exit from it ******************************************************************************/ FUNCTION ExitExcel return binary_integer is BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('Closing workbook and quitting...'); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.InitArg(); ORDCOM.SetArg(FALSE,'BOOL'); dbms_output.put_line('Closing workbook...'); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(WorkBookToken, 'Close', 0, DummyToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(WorkBookToken); ORDCOM.InitArg(); dbms_output.put_line('Closing workbooks...'); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(WorkBooksToken, 'Close', 0, DummyToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(WorkBooksToken); i:=ORDCOM.Invoke(applicationToken, 'Quit', 0, DummyToken); IF (i!=0) THEN ORDCOM.GetLastError(error_src, error_description, error_helpfile, error_helpID); dbms_output.put_line(error_src); dbms_output.put_line(error_description); dbms_output.put_line(error_helpfile); END IF; i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(WorkSheetToken); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(WorkSheetToken1); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(applicationToken); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(ChartObjectToken); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(Chart1Token); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(ChartObject1); i:=ORDCOM.DestroyObject(dummyToken); RETURN i; END ExitExcel; END ORDExcelSB; /
I have created an excel named as C:\Example.xls.
Name SlNo Job Dept Salary Bonus
Saubhik Banerjee 706090 IT Specialist GBS 100 10
Partha S Mohanty 706091 Pogrmmer APPS 70 20
Partha Sarkar 889300 Condultant FIN 200 30
Useless 98009 PM PM 900 90
You can use this code to read excel file (.xls)
3 v_Name varchar2(90);
4 v_SlNo varchar2(100);
5 v_Job varchar2(200);
6 v_Dept varchar2(100);
7 v_recon_remark varchar2(50);
8 v_sal_amt_usd number;
9 v_Bonus_amt_usd number;
11 result INTEGER;
13 i binary_integer;
14 filename varchar2(255);
18 filename := 'C:\Example.xls';
20 result := ORDExcelSB.CreateExcelApplication('');
21 result := ORDExcelSB.OpenExcelFile(filename, 'Sheet1');
23 /* Excluding the header row and reading the first 5 row */
24 FOR n in 2 .. 5 LOOP
26 v_Name := ORDExcelSB.GetDataStr('A' || n);
27 v_SlNo := ORDExcelSB.GetDataReal('B' || n);
28 v_Job := ORDExcelSB.GetDataStr('C' || n);
29 v_Dept := ORDExcelSB.GetDataStr('D' || n);
30 v_sal_amt_usd := ORDExcelSB.GetDataNum('E' || n);
31 v_Bonus_amt_usd := ORDExcelSB.GetDataNum('F' || n);
33 dbms_output.put_line(v_Name || ' ' || v_SlNo || ' ' || v_Job || ' ' ||
34 v_Dept || ' ' || v_sal_amt_usd || ' ' ||
35 v_Bonus_amt_usd);
39 result := ORDExcelSB.ExitExcel();
42 result := ORDExcelSB.ExitExcel();
44 END;
45 /
Creating Excel application...
Invoking Workbooks...
Opening Excel file C:\Example.xls ...
Opening WorkBook
Invoking WorkSheets..
Invoking WorkSheet
Saubhik Banerjee 706090 IT Specialist GBS 100 10
Partha S Mohanty 706091 Pogrmmer APPS 70 20
Partha Sarkar 889300 Condultant FIN 200 30
Useless 98009 PM PM 900 90
Closing workbook and quitting...
Closing workbook...
Closing workbooks...
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
You can use this code to write to excel file (.xls)
DECLARE CURSOR c1 IS SELECT empno, ename, dname, sal, hiredate FROM emp e, dept d WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno; error_message varchar2(1200); n binary_integer:=2; i binary_integer; filename varchar2(255); cellIndex varchar2(40); cellValue varchar2(40); cellColumn varchar2(10); returnedTime varchar2(20); currencyvalue double precision; datevalue DATE; empno binary_integer; looptext varchar2(20); error_src varchar2(255); error_description varchar2(255); error_helpfile varchar2(255); error_helpID binary_integer; begin filename:='c:\example2.xls'; i:=ORDExcel.CreateExcelWorkSheet(''); i:=ORDExcel.InsertData('A1', 'EmpNo', 'BSTR'); i:=ORDExcel.InsertData('B1', 'Name', 'BSTR'); i:=ORDExcel.InsertData('C1', 'Dept', 'BSTR'); i:=ORDExcel.InsertData('D1', 'Salary', 'BSTR'); i:=ORDExcel.InsertData('E1', 'HireDate', 'BSTR'); For c1_rec IN c1 LOOP cellColumn:=TO_CHAR(n); cellIndex:=CONCAT('A',cellColumn); cellValue:=TO_CHAR(c1_rec.empno); empno:=cellValue; i:=ORDExcel.InsertData(cellIndex, empno, 'I2'); cellIndex:=CONCAT('B',cellColumn); cellValue:=c1_rec.ename; i:=ORDExcel.InsertData(cellIndex, cellValue, 'BSTR'); cellIndex:=CONCAT('C',cellColumn); cellValue:=c1_rec.dname; i:=ORDExcel.InsertData(cellIndex, cellValue, 'BSTR'); cellIndex:=CONCAT('D',cellColumn); cellValue:=c1_rec.sal; currencyValue:=cellValue; i:=ORDExcel.InsertData(cellIndex, currencyValue, 'CY'); cellIndex:=CONCAT('E',cellColumn); dateValue:=c1_rec.hiredate; i:=ORDExcel.InsertData(cellIndex, dateValue, 'DATE'); n:=n+1; END LOOP; i:=ORDExcel.SaveExcelFile(filename); i:=ORDExcel.ExitExcel(); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN i:=ORDExcel.ExitExcel(); RAISE; END;
Hi Saubhik,
ReplyDeleteFirst thanks for you code. I spent a lot of time lookig for this and finally I found oyur blog.
I'm doing some test and I got the following errors in the dbms output:
Creating Excel application...
COM-0004: The registered CLSID for the ProgID is invalid.
Invoking Workbooks...
COM-0004: The registered CLSID for the ProgID is invalid.
Invoking Add to WorkBooks...
COM-0002: Invalid Token or no interface for token
I tried to register the orawpcom10.dll on the server but I could not.
Any idea?
Thanks again,
Hi Saubhik,
ReplyDeleteIts really useful information regarding xls files loading into database.
Could you please tell me how to locate the below file ?
Or can you post the code please ?
This should be on the companion CD of Oracle Installer.
Deletethank you Saubhik.
DeleteNow i'm able to run the code.
Is there any chance of getting total number of rows present in a xls file?
So that by using this count, i can read the lines from xls file using loop.
Thank you
Yes. That should be possible, but currently not included in the package.
DeleteThe work around may be looping through all 65000 rows (1..65000) and exit as soon as some mandatory cell (e.g. Primary Key) is blank (null).
Also, You can use Oracle Heterogeneous Service for much easier readings.
DeleteYou can find more about this in OTN.
ReplyDeleteHow do I use this dll on an AIX Unix server?
You can not use this dll in *INX platform. Read the Oracle COM Automation guide.
ReplyDeleteThnx for it,
I am getting this as an output
Creating Excel application...
Invoking Workbooks...
Opening Excel file E:\Example.xls ...
Closing workbook and quitting...
Closing workbook...
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.ORDCOM", line 289
ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.ORDEXCELSB", line 452
ORA-06512: at line 42
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
Please help me .....
DeletePlease Help, I am using oralce 10g and saved the excel sheet(Example.xlsx) in drive E. Ihave tried a lot but unable to find a solution. It will be kind enough of you.
Please check the value length in given excel and variables declared in procedural block, this would resolve your concern
DeleteI have follow this article.
ReplyDeleteIf see ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
Solution: redefine error_description varchar2(1000)
If see error: Microsoft canot access excel file 'C:\Exampe.xls'
There are several possible reasons:
•The file name or path does not exist.
•The file is being used by another program.
•The workbook you are trying to save has the same name as a currently open workbook.
Create directory "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\config\systemprofile\Desktop " (for 64 bit Windows) or "C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\Desktop " (for 32 bit Windows)